Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Years Resolutions Revisited

Three and a months ago, I made 10 new years resolutions that I wanted to keep. In order to help with that, I decided to post them, so that I can revisit them every now and then. Well, it is time to see how I am doing...

1. Finally learn how to operate that newfangled machine called a "car".

I finally got my learner's permit last week! My picture looks like I am a complete moron, but I don't care, cause I can now get behind the wheel and start the training process!

2. Lose enough weight to not embarrass myself at the beach.

I have lost 6 pound so far in 2009. Someone should have told me that Hardees is not conducive to dieting.

3. Date more often. This way I can get out of the house more... on the flip side of that, I have watched waaaaaaaaaay too much TV in 2008.

Nothing new on the dating front. However, I do keep getting emails from eHarmony. How did you know I am that lonely?

4. To stop dressing cheaply. "Hobo Chic" is not something you should aspire to.

I recently bought new socks. Nice socks. The type of socks you can impress chicks with. "Ew! Get away from m... Wow... Those socks are nice! Here is my number"

A man can dream.

5. Keep this blog updated daily for the whole year. Even if it is with pure stupidity.

I plead the fifth.

6. Whoop everyones behind in the Triple Sport Fantasy League this year I am starting with Groganman (Groganman's Musings is one of my favorite blogs... check it out!)

We are finally up and running! The draft is on the 29th, so I will post the results then!

7. Continue my streak of 7 years without going to church (and with that, 7 years of thoroughly disappointing my very religious mother)

The easiest resolution I have ever made. I might as well just made one that says "Don't grow a second penis". 

8. Learn to cook. You actually CAN make meals without solely using a microwave.

I made turkey burgers tonight. Quite delicious! 

9. Finally realize that in order to date, I must actually stop acting like a shy 13 year old around girls. That does not help.

Getting better at this. Still gettign alot of "No's", but out of 100 girls, one is bound to say "Why not?". Have 82 girls to go!

10. Finish my transformation from "Davis Garcia" to "David Garcia"... 29 years in the making, my friends.

Officially done! I am now "David Garcia". Oh yeah... The air is sweeter, the food tastes better... Problem is that I am still me...


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