Saturday, January 17, 2009

Things I learned this week

1. It is much easier to write things if it is in list form, hence this post. :p

2. Never give a 20 month old a lollipop. She will follow you around for the rest of your life asking for another one. Plus, their mom will be wicked mad.

3. The British version of “The Office” is absolutely amazing. Ricky Gervais is a genius. I know I am about 4-5 years too late, but it truly is amazing. It is definitely among the top British shows I have seen (including Fawlty Towers, Torchwood, and Coupling).

4. Must clip toenails before sleeping. Last night I dreamt I was chased by hordes of spiders (I am terrified of them), and since I was moving around in my sleep, I nicked my left pinky toe with one of my Kreuger nails. Half asleep, I was convinced that a black widow spider has crawled under my blanket and bit me, so I spent about 90 minutes trying to find the bite mark. When I came to my senses, I clipped my talons and went back to bed.

5. Don’t clip your toenails at 4:30am, half-asleep. It won’t be pretty.

6. Apparently New York City birds are terrorists.

7. 28 days left until Mets pitchers and catchers report for spring training.

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